Our Endless Numbered Days

Today’s entry has an unoriginal title but it’s representitive of how I feel right now. Things are pretty exciting for me right now. I like collaborating through the medium of the internet. Today’s day in age makes it so easy to do so. I’m not trying to say that live collaboration is anything less, in fact it’s better in my opinion. Technology allows things like music to flourish where they may not otherwise.

Why am I getting all sentimental you say? well, it’s my Grandfather. John Gill, 79 years old. He’s not looking to well according to my family and I’m worried I won’t have much more time with this wonderful soul. He was diagnosed only 2 months ago if that. It’s all been happening so quickly and it’s gotten me to be more driven in my musical endeavors. It’s been my goal to release a record BEFORE he dies. One can never know when someone will go though.

If you know John, Give him a call or send him a kind thought. I want him to know he’s loved. Anywho, I love you all too. Keep on keeping on, you never know when it’ll all diminish.

The idea of a musical collective is more tantalizing than ever now. With that said, there’s some fun stuff in the mix. Keep coming back, it works.

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